Forgiving Myself is to Forgive You

I dared to call myself beautiful

And to believe that I am worthy enough 

I dared to forgive myself

And to believe in mercy for my trespasses 

I spent time searching for the door to my healing 

Cried streams of tears into Florida ocean water

Allowed my tribe of Black women to exchange stories of pain with me

And I pressed my scars against paper to write my own story

I tried to find the rhythm in easy breath

Loosen the knots in my stomach

Let my feet touch solid ground

And center myself in moments of present

But misery and angst kept knocking at my door

Telling me I should surrender because my kind only knows pain

Memories of my past crept in my mind at all times of day

And I became frantic when I felt my grip loosen from peace

We talk a lot about forgiveness 

But people seldomly speak about grace towards yourself

See, I grit my teeth and clench my jaws

Because I still carry shame for the times I took in somebody else’s issues

And made them my own

I let ancient teachings of oppression convince me this world didn’t need another Black girl

At least, not one like me

I desperately went around knocking on doors, hoping someone would invite me in

I buried the pieces of me that make me whole

Because I feared no one would ever want them

But, I am healing now

Turns out,  the pieces that I buried were my antidote

I’m following God’s lead and learning more about forgiveness

I have offended myself and others

Because I didn’t know how to tame trauma

But, I am healing now

I dared to call myself beautiful

And to believe that I am worthy enough 

I dared to forgive myself

And to believe in mercy for my trespasses

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blackbyrd initiative